December 8, 2021
December 8, 2021By Kyle Dutton, DLE Marketing and Membership Intern, Finance and Marketing major with a minor in Economics at Syracuse University, New York
Wellbeing is an inspiration for former DLE Advisory Board Member Lexi Aruck. She is actively pursuing a Doctor of Chiropractic degree at Northeast College of Health Sciences in Seneca Falls, NY.
Her career pursuit is a big departure from her prior position with Anheuser-Busch, where she climbed in five years from a Brewery Quality Manager to Commercial Innovation Portfolio Manager. Along the way, Lexi built her network and began exploring her interests.
“I enjoyed working for Anheuser. It was and still is a great company in a solid industry. It provided me with a platform to learn and grow, in a way like no other. But I knew my heart was somewhere else, and that special place was healthcare,” she explains.
In early June of 2020, Lexi visited a chiropractor and discovered her true affinity for healthcare. “I love holistic healthcare–basically anything to do with movement, nutrition and connecting the physical body to the mental body. Chiropractics bridged all my interests, and that’s when I knew it was for me,” she explains.
In addition to her doctoral studies, Lexi is pursuing a master’s degree in nutrition, a field where her passion aligns with her innate interests.
Becoming an active member of the American Chiropractic Association has given her great exposure to chiropractics. Through industry events and conversations with doctors, she is figuring out where she fits in. “These were opportunities to meet knowledgeable people in the field who gave me a sense of direction on what I should be focusing on.”
For anyone considering a dramatic career move, Lexi underscores the importance of connections. “Reach out to people who can really guide you and help you get to where you want. It’s about networking with people who want to see you succeed. Opportunities don’t present themselves–they come from interactions with high-achieving individuals.”
Lexi has been extensively involved with the DLE. In 2016, she attended her first DLE retreat as a college senior. She attended the 2017 and 2018 Gen Now Retreats as a young professional, and when the DLE pivoted to an online presence in 2020, she became an Advisory Board member.
She views her experience as special and rewarding. “Through all of my life changes, the DLE has supported my evolution. From undergraduate student to corporate professional to graduate student, the DLE has provided learning opportunities and a community that helps foster my growth as a person and professional.”