DLE 2022

The return of the in-person DLE Leadership Immersion in November 2022 attracted a world-class faculty of leadership experts and authors–with a depth of experience, notoriety and expertise rarely seen in our region or offered with such ease of access. An impressive 44 Berkshire professionals from 27 companies spent 2 distraction-free days stepping out of their comfort zones and broadening their professional networks. They returned to their organizations equipped with action plans to perform at a higher level.
Every aspect of the DLE 2022 Leadership Immersion held Nov. 4-5 was designed with great purpose to expand perspectives, forge new relationships and invigorate skills for successfully leading in the most challenging workplace ever.
Hear directly in this collection of videos from members of the diverse, dynamic 2022 cohort and our all-star speakers about the profound transformation they experienced. It is incomparable!
The skills I have learned are important, but the PEOPLE I have met along the way are truly what takes the cake! The network of motivating, inspiring and thoughtful people I have met compare to none. In the short days we get to know each other they have an impact on my world that will last throughout my career. Thank you to everyone I met at the 2022 DLE Leadership Immersion! I look forward to staying in touch and being life-long supporters of each other’s work!
– Cohort Member Kalee Carmel, Cash Management Portfolio Manager, Adams Community Bank
Marc Williams, Everyday Communications Coach / Author of Beyond Limitations and The Rules of Engagement for Public Speaking
Lynne Vincent, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University
Elizabeth Heller, Creator and CEO, Kids Super Journal
Scott Haviland, Client Services Coordinator, CompuWorks
Linda Dulye, President and Founder, Dulye & Co./Dulye Leadership Experience
Michelle Lopez, Executive Director, Berkshire Immigrant Center
Josh Brilliant, Systems Test Engineer, General Dynamics Mission Systems
Jess Rumlow, Chief Executive Officer, Berkshire Family YMCA