By Connor Joyce, DLE Media and Membership Intern, Finance and Marketing major at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Making great connections has become increasingly important to DLE community members. Whether through online polls or committee discussions, requests for more opportunities to meet others have escalated in 2021.
In response, the DLE introduced last summer an informal, in-person networking outlet called Coffee, Conversation and Connections. Held most Friday mornings at 7:00 am (the exception is when Breakfast Club programs occur) at the popular Dottie’s Coffee Lounge in downtown Pittsfield, MA, the gathering promotes free-flowing exchanges about topics that participants bring to the table. Literally.
Subjects range from work-related projects to testing out ideas for feedback to sharing information about the rapidly changing workplace. Frequent attendee Alisa Costa garnered the group’s advice and encouragement to start a consulting firm in July. “Everyone has been great about offering ideas and connecting me to relevant people who can help.”
She particularly appreciates the diversity of the group. Attendees are from different positions, experiences and industries, which generates fresh perspectives and contacts.
Another frequent attendee, Danielle Sanders, enjoys the supportive and welcoming environment of Coffee, Conversation and Connections. “I look forward to the early morning laughter,” she affirms, adding it is also a great opportunity to make new friends and develop existing relationships.
Check out the DLE website and social media for upcoming dates for Coffee, Conversation and Connections.