March 17, 2021
March 24, 2021Former DLE social media intern Sudeep Penmetsa has achieved a dream shared by college seniors as graduation day draws near.
A full-time job in a very challenging labor market!
Sudeep, a finance and television, radio and film dual major at Syracuse University, has accepted an offer from the Los Angeles-based accounting firm Green Hasson Janks. In his role as associate with the firm’s Profit Participation Services Department, he will be working with entertainment clients.
In his intern role last summer, Sudeep planned and created content to market DLE programs and also managed multiple social media platforms. He helped launch the DLE YouTube Channel and seeded it with videos that have become valued resources for self-development by community members. He credits his hands-on experience and responsiveness to aggressive production deadlines with helping him stand apart from the pack.
“Using my experience as a marketing intern with the DLE, I was able to articulate how I used my creativity to devise new marketing strategies and bolster the DLE brand. While my new job is more accounting and contract-focused, my DLE experience was still valuable in getting me very comfortable with consistent deadlines and high expectations for my work,” he affirms.
Sudeep underscores the timeless importance of making connections as a much-sought skill for job seekers. “Networking is still very important for getting a job, and it usually trumps typical online applications,” he advises.
In gearing up for his move to the west coast, Sudeep’s excitement is mounting. “I’m looking forward to learning more about contracts and behind-the-scenes aspects of the entertainment industry. I’ve always been interested in film and TV, and this job will allow me to see how deals are structured.”
He has even developed a game plan for navigating his initial months on the job. “Since this work is quite specialized, I will make sure to spend a lot of time studying and learning as much as possible. When building relationships with colleagues and clients as a new employee, I will mostly focus on doing good work and becoming very knowledgeable about the profit participation services space.”
Keep soaring, Sudeep!