October 18, 2023
By Liamell Quezada, DLE Digital Marketing/Social Media Intern, Junior at Siena College
My name is Liamell Quezada, and I am a marketing major and psychology minor in my junior year at Siena College In upstate New York. I am thrilled to join DLE as the Marketing and Social Media intern.
I grew up in upstate New York and have been blessed to have had many cultural and diverse experiences. I was born in the Dominican Republic, and my frequent visits there have had an impact on my cultural awareness and my passion for learning different languages and cultures. Visiting new countries and learning about their customs and traditions has been a source of great joy and inspiration. These experiences have not only enriched my life, but also enhanced my creativity.
Having a global perspective is very useful in today’s world–especially in the marketing field. Trends from all over the world emerge and change traditional marketing strategies, which is why I plan to further develop my global perspective by being part of diverse organizations like DLE.
I knew I wanted to go into marketing the moment I took my first marketing class in college. It quickly became my favorite class and led me to explore upper-level courses in this major. I became involved on campus in various marketing roles–including becoming the social media marketing coordinator for the Commuter Student Association and an intern with Siena’s Marketing Department.
My passion for digital marketing has helped me to gain valuable skills and experiences through many internships and positions. Since starting my internship at DLE, I can confidently say that every day has been a learning opportunity, and I have acquired valuable knowledge that continues to help me grow in my career.
I’m so glad to be part of the DLE team and I can’t wait to see what else DLE has in store for me!
By Alaina Stanisci, DLE Communications Intern, Sophomore at Fordham University, Bronx, NY
Hello, my name is Alaina Stanisci, and I am thrilled to embark on an exciting journey as a new communications intern at the DLE. I cannot wait to discover the skills I can acquire and the value I can contribute to this dynamic team.
I was born and raised in Mountain Lakes, NJ, a small, close-knit suburban town. Throughout my life, I’ve been fortunate never to have had concerns about my next meal, my safety or imminent threats to my future. Growing up in this kind of community, I was cautioned by my elders and peers not to rely on the security, comfort and connection within my suburban town’s “bubble.”
It wasn’t until I embarked on my college journey in New York City that I realized the truth and consequences of living in a bubble. Last autumn, when I arrived at Fordham University in the Bronx, I became increasingly aware of the world around me. For starters, I entered a more diverse community than anything I had ever experienced. When I arrived at Fordham, it was the first time I had truly found myself in a place that embraced people from all different backgrounds—economically, culturally, religiously and beyond.
Throughout my time at Fordham, I’ve realized the critical value diversity brings when formulating new ideas and perspectives. Simultaneously, I’ve gained awareness and a deeper understanding of the issues occurring around me—poverty, family destabilization, poor housing quality and inequitable access to healthcare, to name a few.
The transition from my small hometown in New Jersey to one of the most disadvantaged boroughs of New York City was life-changing for me as it opened my eyes to pressing issues that demand attention and action.
Revisiting the idea of the bubble, I’ve realized the double-edged sword that comes into play. When you live in a bubble, everything around you is comfortable and safe. However, when you live in a bubble, you are often isolated from new connections and unable to gain new perspectives. A bubble’s uniformity, security, and comfort can thwart our ability to grow and evolve and sometimes make us oblivious to the world around us.
When I finally looked beyond the bubble and opened my eyes to the world around me, I could identify meaningful issues that I am passionate about. At Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business, I’m studying marketing with a minor in fashion studies. I hope to work in the fashion industry in the realm of sustainability and create positive change in fashion design, production, supply chains, and sales.
On campus, I participate in two major clubs that allow me to work in teams and impact other students. I am the VP of AMA Relations for the Fordham Marketing Association and the treasurer for Fashion for Philanthropy, a club that combines fashion with service. Additionally, I’ve become an advocate for mental health awareness, and I am working to erase the stigma around mental health struggles through sharing my own personal experiences.
As a new intern for DLE, I am beyond excited to work with a team of professionals who are passionate about helping individuals grow their networks, broaden perspectives, and escape their comfort zones to excel and stand out with confidence.